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WIT: What Israelis Think?


What Israelis Think (WIT), a project (with Gilad Hirschberger) born a decade ago, aims to provide a comprehensive and dynamic picture on what Israelis think about various political issues with an emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Over time, we aim to continually assess how the general Israeli public (both Arabs and Jews) and specific populations such as West Bank settlers, view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the future of Israel and the Palestinians. 

We show ongoing trajectories of attitudinal change and indicate the associations between these changes and specific events in the Middle East conflict as they unfold. To provide a comprehensive representation, we examine how other relevant groups such as Palestinians and Americans view the ever-changing situation in Israel and the territories. This enables an understanding of the dialectic relations between the attitudes of different stakeholders in the region and in the world. WIT (see does not rely exclusively on opinion polls; the project presents a comprehensive up-to-date analysis of web traffic illustrating the intricate relationships between what people report in polls and how they engage with political and territorial issues online.

WIT is the go-to place for dynamic and up-to-date information on the people’s views surrounding the political events in the Middle East, specifically Israel.  It is a resource for scholars, journalists, policy makers, diplomats, and for anyone interested in understanding more about the complex interplay of attitudes, emotions, and behaviors of the different groups that underlie the making of history as it unravels.

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הירשברגר ג., הירש הפלר, ס ואריאלי, ש.ליל פיטורי גלנט נתן לגנץ הזדמנות שלא תחזור . הארץ.

אריאלי, ש., הירש הפלר, ס. והירשברגר ג. ללכת עם ולהרגיש בלי: ממשלות ישראל מכשירות את "הסיפוח הזוחל״. הארץ.

 .הירש הפלר, ס. והירשברגר, ג. 2022. יתפנו מרצון? ליברליתפנו-מרצון-מאת-דר-סיון-הירש־הפלר-פרו/

 הירשברגר, ג., הירש הפלר, ס., ופוקס, ק. 2021. מצביעים ימין, חושבים שמאל | הסיפוח בעיני הציבור הישראלי – לא מה שחשבתם. ליברלמצביעים-ימין-חושבים-שמאל-מאת-פרופ-גלע/

Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan, Dennis T. Kahn, and Gilad Hirschberger (2019). Reactions to imposed political change: A prospective experimental investigation of Jewish settlers’ resistance to state contraction. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 25(1), 13.‏ View.


Hirsch-Hoefler Sivan, Saguy Tamar and Gilad Hirschberger (2018). The psychological Effects of evacuation: The case of Jewish settlers in the West Bank. In Golan, G., and Sher, G. (Eds.), Spoiling and coping with spoilers. Indiana University Press. View

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